Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Ultimate Frisbee - Championship Video

So in the comments for my Ultimate Frisbee post there were two that stuck out (1 and 2). I thought I would post one of my favourite highlight reel videos from the 2009 UPA Nationals. The best moments to look at in my opinion if you don't want to watch the entire video are 00:58 for an example of a great read, 1:07 for an awesome layout/cross field hammer, 1:45 for a good recovery and 2:31 for a guy outskying two players. Now the best moment in the entire video deserves a section all to itself so please CLICK HERE to see the most amazing layout (quite possibly ever). If anyone knows of video of one that beats that let me know in the comments! The video is underneath:


I hope you enjoy and seriously CHECK THIS MOMENT OUT!


  1. Makes me want to find people to play with.

  2. That looks really cool and fun to play, I had no idea.

  3. Hahaha, love this game, we played at school sometimes.

  4. had to watch a different video cause the one you posted had some music that's blocked by YT over here -_-

  5. frisbee Championship? whatttt

  6. @icey I found the same replay at the beginning of this video:

    Hope that one works!

  7. to anoy ultimate player just call it freesball

  8. :) very cool! loved the video

  9. @Braden that's the one i watched haha :D

    btw what camera are you currently using?

  10. Wow, they get pretty into throwing those discs around xD I'll stick to being inside, thank you very much :P

  11. I've only played at school, but the sport is pretty cool. :P

  12. Played it at school, and I vividly remember a guy broke his arm trying to do a superman catch.

  13. If only the weather wasn't so bad around here I would love going out to play in the sun =(

  14. @icey I am using a bunch of different ones but in terms of digital I use my old Rebel Xti with a 50mm f/1.4, 100mm f/2.8 macro and 10-20mm Sigma. I also have film bodies and a Bronica (Medium format). For the grad shoot I did though I rented a 5D Mrk ii, it was SO beautiful.

  15. Haha wow I've never enjoyed watching frisbee so much

  16. That's seems much more hardcore than the one we played at school.

  17. I haven't played this sport in so long.

  18. This vid never ceases to get me pumped for ulti

  19. Isn't frisbee what gay people play?

  20. I might have to give it a try. I've always enjoyed frisbee golf, not sure if same skill set.

  21. Wow, never seen this sport before!
    Great post, thanks for sharing!
